Since Toronto, I have been really slacking on taking pictures and posting. I think I'm coming to the point where I don't really like to mess with my hair anymore and just allow it to do its thing. Since I have not been using any oils or creams on my hair at all, I've decided to go back to the sisterlock starter shampoo. My hair is definitely progressing and feels hard which is a step in the locking process, so why not throw the SL shampoo in the mix which will make it lock better, or at least thats my thoughts. I will begin taking pictures more frequently since the summer has finally hit the tri-state area so I can go outside and get the sunlight in the background :-)!!!
This is a photo from Toronto, nothing new with the hairstyle just trying to put some accessories in the mix. And the top one is from when I got home, as I was trying to put a new style in the mix, didn't work out so well :-0.
nice. me likey likey!!
Awh thanks PhePhi - if I can get the front a bit more presentable I will rock it out!
Me likey too!! lol
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