UPDATE: The container of black soap that I'm currently using.
I've bought black soap made by Ambi, but it goes so quickly so I started to wonder am I buying the real thing? I stopped in the African market by my house and asked for black soap. Well the first one they showed me was white and looked like a rock. Hmm..wasn't quite sure about that one. Then they showed me some small round black "things" and I asked what the difference was. The woman said after the large white rock one is small they take pieces and dye it to make it black. Ok, so I didn't want anything with chemicals, but the large white "rock-like" thing I wanted to know how to use it. The woman then said you take a piece and put it in the water. Well I don't know about you, but I don't remember the last time I've taken a bath, I only take showers so I didn't want to buy it. I ended up buying some shea butter (an oldie but definitely a goodie), and I bought some cocoa butter (you can never go wrong), and some black soap (which says herbal soap) in a jar with a label; now you know the natural stuff comes in a plastic ziploc or plastic container. I went ahead and used the soap last night which is like hard jelly but lathers really well, but it seems to dissolve better in my hand than my wash cloth or loffa.
Black soap is said to have the following benefits:
Used on most skin types including rough and dry
Helps clear skin of bumps & spots
Helps reveal radiant, fresh & healthy skin
Helps relieve acne, oily skin & other skin problems
Great for removing make-up
Helps against premature facial lines
I say all this to say do you use black soap, if so for how long and what benefits are you seeing?
Check out avartsybeauty.blogspot.com, she just did a review on black soap and she wears sisterlocks also!!
Thanks Felicia!
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