Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Month 5 and Counting!!!

I notice my fellow bloggers counting there months differently. This is my take, installation 3/18:

Mos 1. March 18-April 18

Mos. 2 April 19 - May 18

Mos. 3 May 19-June 18

Mos 4 June 19-July 18

Mos 5 July 19-Aug 18

So as I see it as of today 7/22 I am in my 5th month!!! Wohoo to me, I know many people doubted me!!! Yet daily more and more compliments are coming and I have an inner confidence I never had before.

In these five months I have learned a few things.

1. I'm not as consumed by styling my hair. I let it do its own thing I get up spritz with plain water take a bobby pin clip a piece and walk out the door.

2. I've stopped putting oils or anything for that matter because my locks no longer feel crunchy. The natural oils do what they need to.

3. Hair growth is natural, as long as you learn no fuss no must!

4. Although I have SL's each lock is different. And mt locks are different from another wearer of SL's.

5. My natural hair is very thick hence close to 600 locks!! Since it was always shedding with a perm I never knew.

What have you learned?
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