Sunday, January 31, 2010

Small Community

I went to a training class at work and I sat next to one of my black co-workers. This co-worker in question is from the Caribbean and actually sat next to me in a meeting on day one after my installation. The first day she said "wow, how long did that take". I gave the standard response for me at the time "15 hours, but its never coming out, and its going to lock so its worth it."

So back at this training class she kind of whimpered "are you locking your hair?" I responded, "yes". She said "when are you going to start locking it". Ugh...really!!! I'm like its already locking she was like "ohh......I was waiting for it to be twisted up like you know coils." She goes on to say "I thought they were braids, they are so tiny". You know the same comments we've heard a million time by this point.

What amazes me is that even in the black community people only know of one type of locks, and that's traditional. Although the blog community of SL's seem to be big but in the grand scheme of things SL's are basically unknown. The ironic thing is we have seen Sisterlocks on famous people year after year and have mistaken them for braids. Overall, sisterlocks need more exposure.


ladybikerlele said...

I've come to realize some people are just plain ignorant about even the simplest of things. I went to the grocery store with a a college classmate who was a Presidential scholar. She was shocked that there was corn in the frozen food section! She said corn is supposed to come in a can!

After that, I've learned to never overestimate the intelligence of others :-)

Gigglz said...

Thats a very true statement! Some people are very ignorant.

Karress said...

Well while I was in the hospital last week recovering from Pneumonia one of the nurses walked past my room and had the most gorgeous set of traditional locks..I asked her to please come in so I could see her hair..I said oh I can't wait til mine mature and get that long..she took a look at me and said oh you have Sisterlocks..felt so good to have someone know what I have without having to explain..she said its nice but there so tiny..I laughed and said yes more versatility..

Gigglz said...

Karress -- sorry to hear about you. Hope that you're feeling much better and back on your feet.

On a more positive note, it must have felt good not to have to worry about your hair while trying to get better though.


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