Saturday, May 2, 2009

Compliments Part Deux

So I come back to the compliment posting I did earlier in the month. Today, I'm in the dollar store purchasing some items for goody bags items for my daughters birthday party and this woman is literally staring at my hair with her mouth open. She says excuse me is that braids I answer nonchalantly and say no they are sisterlocks. I continue on my merry old business. So, she doesn't say she likes them but she stares again and asks how do you take them out? I say you don't, her face seems to frown up then pays for her items and walks out the store. This was now another time I should have educated another Sistah and I didn't seize the moment. Today, I think this had more to do with where I was. I was in a local store close to home and I was in a rush.

To give some background, I live in a predominately white neighborhood and the woman in question is black and seemed much older than me. Although no "true" compliment was paid I should learn to handle these types of conversations because I'm actually a walking advertisement for SL's and I should represent them to the fullest as proud as they make me feel I need to shout that to others.

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Felicia said...

You did represent without words. She was intrigued by your hair or she wouldn't have been staring at your hair. I say just wear it proudly and represent you- beautiful black woman with locks- that says plenty!!!

Gigglz said...

Thanks Felicia..You're right just continue to wear it proudly and others will be intrugued and ask questions!


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