Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Month 20 outings

This is basically how I'm wearing my locks lately and I can actually find wear one ponytail with hang time and using a loose ponytail holder, these are the best. Check them out here, in black of course!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

20 months exactly! And its my birthday

Another year has gone by and I love my locks more and more each day. As I was grabbing breakfast I was complimented on my locks which has been quite some time. The woman was so intrigued and I totally forgot the response SL's get. She asked first 'are they braids' and I proudly answered no they are sisterlocks! She like the two-toned color and then she asked how long I had them. I sat and spoke for about 5 minutes and it really felt good to be a proud walking ad!!

Here are some pics I took on Tuesday!
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Quick Flick

Just a picture from today. My curls (created by lock loops) fell right which is after a workout and wearing a hat. I do really like my locks curled but they don't stay cause of all the sweating, but I will do it if only it last for 2 days.
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Doing it myself

One thing I want to add to my previous post. I really do enjoy doing my own retightenings. Hmm...enjoy is exaggerating a bit, I like doing my own retightenings. When I'm going thru my locks I can truly see the areas growing and if any of my locks are weak, which gives me total control of whats going on. I've tried so many consultants because I'm looking for that one I can use give or take 3 to 4 times a year just to check to ensure my locks are doing well. Or for that time when I need to get my retightening done all in one day for a special event, or just cause I don't feel like doing it myself. Either way, I'm not looking for that perfect one, but I'm looking for one I can rely on and be pleased when I get out the chair. But every time I try a new consultant it just reminds me that its so worth me doing it for myself. Thus far the only one I've been pleased with overall is my installation consultant because I can use her to tighten, wash, and style but I know that I have to use 6 hours of my day to get that done, and I better bring my wallet fully stacked!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Consultants Analysis

In my 19 months I have tried 4 consultants and I really cannot say I've been 100% satisfied with any of them. I decided to do an analysis of them all.

Installation Consultant
1. Professional
2. Clean Salon
3. Knowledgeable about SL's
4. Impeccable work

1. Did not have SL's
2. Slow
3. Expensive (hourly)
4. Far
5. Hard to get an appt

2nd Consultant
1. Professional
2. Had SL's
3. Cheap - flat fee
4. Ease of appointments

1. Dining room chair as salon chair
2. Did not wash or style
3. Slow
4. Missed locks in retightening
5. Far

3rd Consultant
1. Extra fast
2. Clean Salon
3. Styled but lazy

1. Did not have SL's
2. Unreliable
3. Hard to get an appt
4. Far

4th Consultant
1. Professional
2. Had SL's
3. Cheap - flat fee
4. Ease of appointments
5. Super close

1. Computer chair as salon chair
2. Did not wash or style
3. Slow
4. Missed sections in retightening

In looking at this list it basically comes down to wanting a professional, reliable, close, decently priced, fast consultant. I don't think that's asking too much since they are trained consultants. Basically, consultants who work in a salon I feel should be professional and reliable but they aren't. Yet those who work out of there home are super slow and they don't have a very comfortable seating which I was in for hours. Argh!! What makes a good consultant to you that keeps you going back?

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sisterlocked Interview #3 - 1 year later

A year has gone by for us all and it has been an especially good one to this sister. She was interviewed by me a year ago (click here to read it) and she has come back to show her progress. Not only has she had a beautiful year with her SL's she has embarked on a new life by taking her nuptials. Doesn't she look beautiful!!! Congratulations!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Don't forget to VOTE!

It takes 2 minutes out of your day, subtract it from those minutes of blog surfing :-)
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Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Costume!

I was feeling myself :-)

In any event I used the bendable rollers because I wanted really loose curls and left them in about 4 hours and I ended up with this.


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